Advanced Course in Sports Rehabilitation
6th Edition
- April 21, 2022
The Academia Clínica Espregueira | Dragão, a project supported by the Clínica Espregueira |FIFA Medical Center of Excellence, invites you to the Advanced Course in Sports Rehabilitation.
Clinical evaluation, diagnosis, the effective treatment of injuries and improvement of sports performance are crucial for athlete performance and sportive success. In the European Union the annual direct costs of sports injuries exceed 2 billion euros. The translation of these numbers implies loss of income and the discontinuation of sports careers, plus negligence at times and a negative impact on the well-being and health of athletes, building up a premise for failure. There is an urgent need to promote and intensify equitable access to good practices and the latest evidence in medicine and sports rehabilitation. We must prioritize and equip people with qualifications in order to reduce the incidence, complications and recurrence of injuries. There is a need to learn to diagnose accurately in order to treat effectively, either surgically or conservatively. The processes of rehabilitation and sports recovery, based on criteria that can be evaluated and measured, are factors of success.
Orthopedics, Traumatology and Sports Medicine, as well as Sports Physiotherapy and Sports Science, have been expanding and optimizing services through evidence-based practices and supported by structured and customized processes for physical, athletic and other individualities pertaining to the athletes’ dimensions. It is essential to respond to the needs of today’s society, with a commitment to practice physical exercise and sports. It is paramount to learn how to regularly monitor the state of health, optimize performance and take care of athletes, of all ages and at all levels.
All participants in this course are invited to learn in a critical and grounded way, crucial dimensions about increasing physical robustness, clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment algorithm, rehabilitation and performance improvement in the context of the main – more frequent and/or more serious – sports injuries. These are a problem that all sports agents must address. Health and Sports Science professionals who have prepared for this challenge will make a decisive contribution to maintaining and recovering health, and to the athlete's premium performance!
- Explore in a systematic and organized manner the clinical examination - Virtual Hands On -, subsidiary examinations, risk alerts, physical and functional assessment tests;
- Develop the ability to identify subclinical and clinical risk situations, deficits and/or asymmetries, to know the most serious and/or frequent sports injuries adding up to the comprehension of safe and effective preventive and/or therapeutic interventions.
- Discuss conservative or surgical treatment options, as well as evidence-based decisions and intervention, based on solid theoretical and practical knowledge and skills.
Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.MODULE II - PRE-SEASON EVALUATION, PREVENTION AND PHYSICAL ROBUSTNESS
Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.Rogério Pereira 8:00pm | 10:00pm
Characterization of models and the effectiveness of programs to prevent and increase physical strength and performance.FAQ's
Starts April 21, 2022.
Classes every Monday and Thursday, except on May 4 and July 6, 2022.
Registration fees:
until 21/03/2022 - 860
after 03/22/2022 - 1060
- 44 hours of theoretical classes - 100% online
- 28 hours of optional practical group classes at Clinica Espregueira | FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence
- 12 hours of optional practical individual classes practices at Clínica Espregueira | FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence
- Access to class recordings up to 31 days after the last class
- Vocational Training Certificate* or Vocational Training Attendance Certificate
- * In addition, the right to the Diploma issued by a FIFA, ISAKOS, ESSKA and ICRS accredited centre.