You will be better because this course explores biomedical issues with meaning and tremendous impact for Portuguese society. It should be noted that people with diabetes, pre-diabetes, obesity or overweight, comprise more than 7 million Portuguese citizens.
- This fact is a current pandemic.
- Chronic non-transmissible diseases, in addition to being the main cause of death, cause serious and frequent disabilities.
- The integration of multidisciplinary teams with Endocrinologists and Nutritionists, from primary to tertiary health care, especially in the interior and south of the country, is frankly deficient, falling short of what is practiced in other European countries as well as what is recommended by the Order of Nutritionists and the Council of the Specialty of Endocrinology and Nutrition.
- The articulation of the most recent developments in various scientific areas invites all efforts in the provision of health services that promote the wellbeing and health of people and society in general. This strategy will aim to overcome regional asymmetries, the lack of access to health care and to develop awareness, among all sectors of society, that the timely change of lifestyles and behaviours is urgent and will prospectively constitute the greatest capital of societies. The challenge, as we know well, is transgenerational, imperative and must summon everyone to the convergence of knowledge and for people's health.
- In the development of the syllabus, there was an interdisciplinary exercise of critical analysis to identify insightful objectives to be achieved. The development of ownership regarding the purpose of the course and its materialization into the behaviour and actions to be implemented in clinical practice should promote a positive impact on the professional practice of physicians, nutritionists and other health professionals. It is, if we like, a bold step towards synergy between disciplines in favour of a greater good: health.
- The main aspiration is to promote communication, advance and integrate interdisciplinary practice based on evidence and good practices. Particularly, under strict and scrupulous observation of principles of autonomy and professional deontology, academic and regulatory precedents for professional practice.
8:00pm | 10:00pm Adriana Lages
Anatomy and Physiology of the Endocrine System.
8:00pm | 10:00pm César Leão
Anthropometric evaluation;
Biochemical evaluation;
Clinical evaluation;
Dietary evaluation.
8:00pm | 10:00pm João Sérgio Neves
Clinical and laboratory characterization;
Pathophysiology explained and pharmacotherapy.
8:00pm | 9:00pm José Camolas
Nutrition and supplementation: essential safety and efficacy considerations.
8:00pm | 10:00pm Adriana Lages
Clinical and laboratory characterization;
Pathophysiology explained and pharmacotherapy.
8:00pm | 10:00pm Marta Canha
Clinical and laboratory characterization;
Pathophysiology explained and pharmacotherapy.
7:00pm | 8:00pm Inês Tomada
Nutrition and supplementation: essential safety and efficacy considerations.
8:00pm | 9:00pm Carla Pedrosa
Nutritional Therapy.
8:00pm | 9:00pm Anabela Mota Pinto
Exercise and the Endocrine System: from interrelationship to disruption.
21.00 | 22.00 Filipa Coutinho
Monitoring endocrinological parameters in a training context. Relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S).