Module I - Basic Principles of Sleep Medicine
8:00pm | 9:00pm Maria João Sá
Sleep pathology in primary health care: the size of the problem and the size of the solutions
9:00pm | 10:00pm José Carlos Carneiro
Physiological bases and chronobiological aspects of sleep - what we should know to better treat sleep
Module II - Sleep and the PSYCHIATRICIAN'S VIEW
8:00pm | 10:00pm
Classification and anamnesis. General strategies for the treatment of insomnia. Alterations of the sleep-wake cycle in psychiatric disorders.
Module iii - Sleep and the pulmonologist's view
8:00pm | 10:00pm
Respiratory sleep pathology. When to suspect, how to screen and when to refer. Treatment and follow-up in primary health care
Module iv - Sleep and the NEUROLOGIST'S VIEW
8:00pm | 10:00pm
Hypersomnias of central origin, parasomnias and sleep-related movement disorders. When to suspect, how to treat and when to refer
Module v - Sleep and the otorhinolaryngologist's vision
8:00pm | 9:00pm JOÃO VIANA PINTO
Otorhinolaryngology and sleep disorders. When to suspect and when to refer
Module vi - Oral sleep medicine
9:00pm | 10:00pm
Oral sleep medicine. Intraoral devices: their indication and use. Current and future perspectives
Module vii - Sleep and pharmacology
8:00pm | 9:00pm
Medical-legal aspects of sleep disorders.
9:00pm | 10:00pm
Polypharmacy in FGM and its effects on sleep
Module VIII - Issues of daily practice
8:00pm | 9:00pm
Sleep and physical activity - when the dose makes the poison
9:00pm | 10:00pm
Sleep and shift work - solution in sight or mission impossible?
Module IX - Sleep and the role of psychology
8:00pm | 9:00pm Natalia Mendes
Cognitive-behavioral therapy: psychology for better sleep
Module X - Sleep in pediatrics
9:00pm | 10:00pm
Sleep in children - challenges and opportunities
Module XI - Sleep and the cardiologist's view
8:00pm | 9:00pm Sílvia Marta Oliveira
OSAS and cardiovascular risk factors.
Module XII - clinical cases
8:00pm | 10:00pm Maria João Sá and José Carlos Carneiro
Assessment, diagnosis and therapeutic approach of sleep pathology in FGM - discussion of clinical cases