Clinical examination of the shoulder and pelvic girdle

With Dr. Jóni Nunes

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Clinical examination of the shoulder and pelvic girdle


The clinical examination of the pelvic girdle and shoulder joints is noted as a challenge due to its anatomophysiological and biomechanical complexity and differential diagnosis process. The concurrence of knowledge from different disciplines (e.g., anatomophysiology, pathology, semiology, etc.) is, in alliance with a methodical, systematic and contextualized clinical evaluation of the individual and clinical/labour/sports circumstances, a decisive capacity for the orientation and diagnostic accuracy. The pedagogical experience that is intended to be offered with this class aims to enable the assimilation and retention of knowledge and skills that include guiding fundamentals to inspect, select and perform orthopaedic and/or specialised tests, noting their sensitivity and/or specificity.
By viewing this class, you will have the opportunity to develop the ability to perform the Pelvic Girdle and Shoulder clinical exam. Follow Dr Jóni Nunes and his didactic notions:

  • Inspection: Global posture; Deformities; Asymmetries; Muscle atrophy.
  • Palpation: Anterior, Lateral and Posterior.
  • Assessment of passive/active range of motion.
  • Orthopedic Tests [with bibliographic support regarding their sensitivity and specificity]: Rotator Cuff (Empty Can Test, Hornblower Sign, External Rotation Lag Sign); Subscapularis (Bear Hug Test, Belly Press Test, Lift Off Test); Special Tests (Nee's Test, Kawkins-kennedy Test), Acromioclavicular Joint (Cross-arm Test, Yocum Test); Slap type injuries (Crank Test, Biceps Load 2 Test); Pathology of the Long Portion of the Biceps (Speed Test, Yergason's Test); Instability – Ligament Laxity (Beigthon Score, Load-and-Shift Test, Sulcus sign); Anterior Instability (Apprehension Test, Relocation Test, Surprise Test); Inferior Instability (Hyperabduction Test); Posterior Instability (Posterior Jerk Test).

We invite you to take this class immoderately, while sharing with you a guiding principle of Academia Clínicas Espregueira – “…to follow the path recommended by the latest evidence and best practices is a condition for excellence in the provision of health services and an exercise of humanity”.

Welcome to Academia Clínicas Espregueira!


Joni Nunes Current
Jóni Nunes


Scientific Area: Life and Health Sciences
Lecturer: Dr. Jóni Nunes
Course duration: 22 minutes
Portuguese language
Presentation slides: English
The subscription grants access to the viewing of the class for 90 consecutive days, starting from the day the subscription is completed.
Subscription price: 60€



  The subscription grants access to the viewing of the class for 90 consecutive days, starting from the day the subscription is completed.
  Diploma issued by a FIFA, ISAKOS, ESSKA and ICRS accredited centre.
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Waist Shoulder Assessment

Clinical examination of the shoulder and pelvic girdle

With Dr. Jóni Nunes
Waist Shoulder Assessment

Clinical examination of the shoulder and pelvic girdle

Fees and Emoluments
Admission Fee:

To validate your registration follow the steps:
  1. Download the application form here;
  2. Click on "Add to Cart" and formalize the application by completing the payment of the application fee.
  3. Fill out the application form and send it to [email protected]together with a copy of the citizen's card or identity card / tax card, curriculum vitae updated, qualification certificatea photo your current and proof of payment.
Waist Shoulder Assessment

Clinical examination of the shoulder and pelvic girdle

Fees and Emoluments
Admission Fee:


To complete your application, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on "Add" and formalize the application by paying the corresponding fee.
  2. Please send your application and proof of payment of the application fee to [email protected] (Application elements: Copy of Citizen's Card or Identity Card/Contributor's Card, Full Address, E-mail, Telephone, Certificate of Qualifications and Curriculum Vitae).
Applications Open!

Postgraduate in Athletics - Specialization in Trail Running

Fees and Emoluments

Admission Fee: 50,00 €

To validate your application, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the application form here;
  2. Click on "Add" and formalize your application by paying the fee.
  3. Fill out the application form and send it to training@academiaespregueira.withYou should also bring a copy of your national identity card (front and back), a certificate of qualifications, a current photograph of yourself and proof of payment.


Payment options:

1. early bird (until September 15, 2024) and prompt payment:
  • 10% discount: 2106 €
2. Reduction of 5% (after September 15, 2024) in Prompt Payment:
  • o 5% discount: 2223 €
3. Phased Payment (Investment of 2340 €):
  • 50% - On registration: 1170 €
  • 25% - Until January 31, 2025: 585 €
  • 25% - Until April 30, 2025: 585 €
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