The clinical examination of the Pelvic and Thigh-Femoral Girdle is a challenge due to its anatomophysiological and biomechanical complexity and the differential diagnosis process. The concurrence of knowledge from different disciplines (e.g., anatomophysiology, pathology, semiology, etc.) is, in alliance with a methodical, systematic and contextualized clinical evaluation of the individual and clinical/labour/sports circumstances, a decisive capacity for the orientation and diagnostic accuracy. The pedagogical experience that is intended to be offered with this class aims to enable the assimilation and retention of knowledge and skills that include guiding fundamentals to inspect, select and perform orthopaedic and/or specialised tests, noting their sensitivity and/or specificity. By viewing this class, you will have the opportunity to develop the ability to perform the Pelvic and Thigh-Femoral Girdle clinical exam. Follow Dr André Sarmento and his didactic notions:
- Clinical history assumptions: Gait assessment; Explanation of pathological marches; Gait testing; Trendelenburg test.
- Objective examination in the sitting position: Evaluation of peripheral circulation; Range of motion assessment; Pyramidal test (suspected non-discogenic sciatic nerve pain); Fulcrum test (suspected stress fracture in the femur).
- Objective examination in the supine position: Inspection and palpation; Multiplanar assessment of thigh-femoral mobility; Thomas test; FADIR (femoroacetabular impingement test); Test to assess psoas-iliac snapping; FABER test; Cluster of tests to assess the sacroiliac; Dial test; Log Roll Test
- Objective examination in lateral decubitus: Inspection and palpation; Ober test (neutral position, in flexion and extension); Test for the pyramid; Test to assess external bounce.
- Objective examination in lateral decubitus: Inspection and palpation; Test for evaluation of anterior contracture (e.g. anterior rectus); Sacroiliac compression test; Mennell's Test.
We invite you to take this class immoderately, while sharing with you a guiding principle of Academia Clínicas Espregueira – “…to follow the path recommended by the latest evidence and best practices is a condition for excellence in the provision of health services and an exercise of humanity”.
Welcome to Academia Clínicas Espregueira!

Scientific Area: Life and Health Sciences
Lecturer: Dr André Sarmento
Course duration: 24’ 31’’ minutes
Portuguese language
Presentation slides: English
The subscription grants access to the viewing of the class for 90 consecutive days, starting from the day the subscription is completed.
Subscription price: 58€
pack - clinical evaluation