MODULE I - The impact of musculoskeletal pathology, referral, imaging literacy and musculoskeletal ultrasound in primary health care
8:00pm | 9:00pm Maria João Sá
Relevance of musculoskeletal pathology in primary health care (PHC): prevalence of signs and symptoms of this pathology in the daily life of the family physician.
9:00pm | 10:00pm
General principles of referral to physical medicine and rehabilitation, orthopedics and traumatology and pain medicine. The importance of communication between different levels of health care in rehabilitation.
8:00pm | 10:00pm Sérgio Rodrigues Gomes
Imaging literacy in the context of musculoskeletal disease in PHC.
10:00pm | 11.00pm Pedro Prata
Musculoskeletal ultrasound and echo-guided intervention in PHC- myth or reality?
MODULE IIi - Diagnostic evaluation, therapeutic interventions and referral in upper limb pathology
20.00 | 21.30 Jóni Nunes
Painful shoulder: nosologic entities, objective examination, and clinical premises to guide imaging study-when to refer and how to treat.
Approach to the patient with elbow and forearm pain: nosological entities, objective examination and appropriate imaging study. When to refer and how to treat
Pathology of the wrist and hand: nosological entities, objective examination and appropriate imaging study. When to refer and how to treat
21.30 | 22.30 Jóni Nunes and Maria João Sá
Upper limb pathology in open consultation - discussion of clinical cases by FGM specialists
MODULE Iii - Diagnostic evaluation, therapeutic interventions and referral in lower limb pathology
8:00pm | 9:00pm
Painful hip: from coxarthrosis to painful great trochanter syndrome. How to evaluate and how to guide
9:00pm | 10:00pm Pedro Prata
Knee pain in CSP. How to assess and how to guide.
8:00pm | 9:00pm
Approach to the patient with foot and/or ankle pain: how to assess and how to guide.
9:00pm | 10:00pm
Lower limb pathology in open consultation - discussion of clinical cases by FGM specialists.
MODULE Iv- Diagnostic evaluation, therapeutic interventions and referral in spinal pathology
20.00 | 21.30
Management of the patient with cervical pain. How to guide and how to treat.
Management of the low back pain patient. Clinical evaluation. What complementary diagnostic tests to order and why. When to refer.
21.30 | 22.30
Pathology of the spine - discussion of clinical cases by FGM specialists.
MODULE v - Work-related musculoskeletal disorders
8:00pm | 10:00pm Vítor César Pinheiro
Work-related musculoskeletal injuries - approach to the main LMERTs. Occupational disease - when to suspect and how to guide.
MODULE vi - Musculoskeletal pathology in the pediatric age
8:00pm | 10:00pm
Musculoskeletal pathology in pediatric age-what to screen for and timing to do so. Clinical findings to value and how to guide.
MODULE vii - Conservative treatment of musculoskeletal pathology and selective means of contention
8:00pm | 9:00pm
Conservative treatment of musculoskeletal pathology: prescription of therapeutic resources adjusted to clinical and individual circumstances.
9:00pm | 10:00pm Rogério Pereira
Orthotics and functional bandages - when and which to recommend.