Nutrition and Weight Control Course

From science to diet plan

10th Edition

March 27th, 2025
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Nutrition and Weight Control Course

From science to diet plan

Deviations by default or from the excess of body weight are risk factors and often result in physical and/or psychosocial illness.

The good news is that diet, in all its scientific, semantic, know-how and taste extension, is an effective and safe determinant for weight and health balance. In Aesop’s fable as well as in the strength of the facts that Nutrition Sciences and others have gathered to date, a set of knowledge and skills is interpreted and transforms, when adapted and served the context and purposes of people. Metamorphosis – meaning weight management and control – through the prescription of food plans by nutritionists, contributes decisively to a healthy and fuller life.

Throughout this course, tips will be presented to convey about nutritional plans [diets] and strategies to improve adherence and compliance, which, in fact, will play a decisive role in the success or failure of the nutritional intervention.

In this way, it is intended to optimize the nutritionist’s performance to prescribe food plans for weight management and control, through the development of technical-scientific knowledge and qualifications framed in the object of the course.

Additionally, other health professionals might benefit to the extent that the content of this course will allow them to work in harmony with nutritionists, while contributing to the management of the health process.

Welcome to Academia Clínicas Espregueira!


  To develop food plans for weight control in a safely and effective manner;
  Increase the acuity in the ability to estimate energy and nutritional needs;
  To broaden the “nutriteca” of healthy options that correspond and adapt to various energy and nutritional requirements;
  To develop capacities and provide tools to periodise nutritional and food intake;
  Expand knowledge regarding the spectrum of diets and specifics of age groups/life cycle stages, whilst adapting food prescriptions;
  Exercise systematically and in an organised manner the ability to plan weekly food plans properly adjusted to the preferences, goals and lifestyle of each individual.


8:00pm | 10:00pm Ana Goios

Basic concepts of nutrition, energy balance and body composition

8:00pm | 10:00pm Ana Goios

Evaluation of body composition and estimations of energy and nutritional needs.

19.00 | 20.30 Nuno Casanova

Why is it so difficult to lose weight?
Metabolic adaptations that occur during weight loss.

8:30pm | 10:00pm Catarina Nunes

Why is it so difficult to lose weight?
Behavioral adaptations that occur during weight loss.

8:00pm | 10:00pm

Weight loss: what is the best approach in light of scientific evidence?
Low-Carb vs. Low-Fat diets; High protein diets.

8:00pm | 10:00pm Rachel Freire

Weight loss: what is the best approach in light of scientific evidence?
FAD Diets [Intermittent fasting, ketogenic diet, Paleo diet, etc].

8:00pm | 10:00pm Nuno Borges

Pharmacological intervention and supplementation.

8:00pm | 10:00pm Osvaldo Santos
Weight control and eating behavior.

Psychology and psychotherapy: the “vision”/approach of the psychologist.

20.00 | 21.30 Maria Travassos

Weight control and eating behavior.
Case studies: the nutritionist's approach

8:00pm | 10:00pm Inês Mazagão

The impact of sleep on weight control: what do we know?

8:00pm | 10:00pm Inês Tomada

Diet therapy/nutritional intervention: practical cases.
The overweight child.

8:00pm | 9:00pm José Camolas

Obese adult with type II diabetes

9:00pm | 10:00pm Ana Goios
8:00pm | 10:00pm Ana Goios

Case based learning: Role play class (presentation of case studies by the students with discussion of the food plans developed)

10.00 | 13.00 Ana Goios

Tips and practical recipes for the day-to-day of a future former obese.


Ana Goios 400x400
Catarina Nunes
Catarina Nunes
Inês Mazagão
Inês Mazagão
Ines Taken Current Copy
Inês Tomada
José Camolas Current
José Camolas
Maria Travassos Copy
Maria Travassos
Nuno Borges Copy
Nuno Borges
Nuno Casanova
Nuno Casanova
Osvaldo Santos
Osvaldo Santos
Rachel Freire Copy1
Rachel Freire


Starts on March 27, 2025.

Registration fees:
1st price until 27/01/2025 - 292€
2nd price until 27/02/2025 - 365€
3rd price after 27/02/2025 - 435€

Phased payment 2x without interest:
70% - Upon registration
30% - After 30 days

Recorded lessons, made available after live broadcast (exclusively online or on television), will no longer be accessible 31 days after the last live broadcast session of the course.

Nutritionists, physicians, other health professionals, and students in health courses.

The final classification in the course will result from the quantitative classification obtained by the final exam. The assessment comprises the answers to a 20-question multiple-choice exam. Each correct answer contributes 1 point to the final classification. The exam will be held at the end of the course.

The final evaluation of each course is expressed through a classification on a numerical scale from 0 to 20 points, with approval being considered as obtaining a minimum of 10 points.

The final classification of the course can be accompanied by a qualitative mention, expressed on the following scale: Sufficient (10 to 13), Good (14 and 15), Very Good (16 and 17) and Excellent (18 to 20).

According to the Portuguese legislation (DL 42/2005 of 22 February), grades below 10, on a scale from 0 to 20, imply failure.

At the end of the course, an evaluation instrument will be applied to measure the participants’ satisfaction with the training process and the conditions for carrying out the course, aiming at possible improvement actions.

At the end of the course, a Professional Training Certificate will be issued, in accordance with current legislation (Ordinance No. 474/2010 of 8 July), to all participants who successfully complete the vocational training. This certificate, as well as a diploma, will be made available in digital format in the participant’s area, on the EMSaúde website, within a maximum period of 30 working days, after the end date of the course. If the student does not succeed, a Certificate of Attendance in Vocational Training will be issued.


Registration fees:

1st price until 27/01/2025 - 292€
2nd price until 27/02/2025 - 365€
3rd price after 27/02/2025 - 435€


  24h of training - 100% Online + 3h Workshop
  Recorded lessons, made available after live broadcast (exclusively online or on television), will no longer be accessible 31 days after the last live session broadcast of the course
  Includes an E-book of recipes
  Vocational Training Certificate* or Vocational Training Attendance Certificate
  * In addition, the right to the Diploma issued by a FIFA, ISAKOS, ESSKA and ICRS accredited centre.


Xxi Ace Congress
XXI Clinicas Espregueira Congress: Find out why you should attend!
  • Outstanding reviews: Five stars for speakers, staff and location.
  • Unique experience: Explore the science and technique of sports traumatology, sports rehabilitation, exercise, food science and nutrition.
  • Solid participation: More than 500 people at each edition since 2013.
  • Professional development: Expand your knowledge and skills in an inclusive and transformative environment.
We value excellence in every detail. Our faculty is made up of renowned specialists, ensuring an up-to-date and enriching program. Over the last 10 years, more than 3,500 professionals, including doctors specializing in orthopaedics, physiatry, sports medicine, general and family medicine, physiotherapists, nurses, and other professionals and students in the life and health sciences, have benefited from the congress. The potential impact on professional practice is evident, providing valuable opportunities for technical-scientific advancement and networking that reverberate positively in professional practice. Welcome to Academia Clínicas Espregueira and the XXI Congress Clínicas Espregueira 2025! Align your practices with the best in the world and reach new heights of success!
Expert On Diet And Nutrition
November 11, 2024
This postgraduate course is offered by the Academia Clínicas Espregueira and the Portuguese Catholic University through the ESB - Escola Superior de Biotecnologia and the CPBS - Católica Porto Business School and offers rigorous scientific training enriched with practical entrepreneurial skills designed for health professionals who want to embrace two universes of complementary skills - Nutrition and Endocrinology and Management.
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Nutrition Weight Management
Registration fees:

1st price until 27/01/2025 - 292€
2nd price until 27/02/2025 - 365€
3rd price after 27/02/2025 - 435€

Nutrition and Weight Control Course

From science to diet plan

10th Edition
Registration fees:

1st price until 27/01/2025 - 292€
2nd price until 27/02/2025 - 365€
3rd price after 27/02/2025 - 435€

Nutrition Weight Management
Registration fees:

1st price until 27/01/2025 - 292€
2nd price until 27/02/2025 - 365€
3rd price after 27/02/2025 - 435€

Nutrition and Weight Control Course

Fees and Emoluments
Admission Fee:

To validate your registration follow the steps:
  1. Download the application form here;
  2. Click on "Add to Cart" and formalize the application by completing the payment of the application fee.
  3. Fill out the application form and send it to [email protected]together with a copy of the citizen's card or identity card / tax card, curriculum vitae updated, qualification certificatea photo your current and proof of payment.
Nutrition Weight Management
Registration fees:

1st price until 27/01/2025 - 292€
2nd price until 27/02/2025 - 365€
3rd price after 27/02/2025 - 435€

Nutrition and Weight Control Course

Fees and Emoluments
Admission Fee:


To complete your application, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on "Add" and formalize the application by paying the corresponding fee.
  2. Please send your application and proof of payment of the application fee to [email protected] (Application elements: Copy of Citizen's Card or Identity Card/Contributor's Card, Full Address, E-mail, Telephone, Certificate of Qualifications and Curriculum Vitae).
Applications Open!

Postgraduate in Athletics - Specialization in Trail Running

Fees and Emoluments

Admission Fee: 50,00 €

To validate your application, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the application form here;
  2. Click on "Add" and formalize your application by paying the fee.
  3. Fill out the application form and send it to training@academiaespregueira.withYou should also bring a copy of your national identity card (front and back), a certificate of qualifications, a current photograph of yourself and proof of payment.


Payment options:

1. early bird (until September 15, 2024) and prompt payment:
  • 10% discount: 2106 €
2. Reduction of 5% (after September 15, 2024) in Prompt Payment:
  • o 5% discount: 2223 €
3. Phased Payment (Investment of 2340 €):
  • 50% - On registration: 1170 €
  • 25% - Until January 31, 2025: 585 €
  • 25% - Until April 30, 2025: 585 €
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