Although often undervalued, domestic activities require great physical effort and adaptability. In most cases, the wrong postures bring harmful consequences to the joints and the spine, causing the famous backache.

Cooking, ironing, dusting, hoovering, laying out and folding clothes, making beds, tidying cupboards, sweeping, washing dishes, among others, are all tasks that require continuous and prolonged effort. For this reason, they must be performed correctly so that they do not have a negative impact on the health of the musculoskeletal system.

With some tips it is possible to improve performance, without this leading to a greater load on the joints or the spine. Everything goes through a change of habits in the daily routine that will have a decisive influence on the improvement of the quality of life.


Cooking/Clothes washing/Dishwashing


Do not lean over the work desk with the spine bent forward. This position will have negative consequences for the cervical spine as well as the dorsal and lumbar spine.


If possible, work on a higher bench. Try to keep your spine in an upright position and remember to contract your abdominal muscles while working. Another trick is to place one foot resting on a small step with the knee slightly bent. This position helps maintain posture.


Rolling out laundry/Stuffing in high places


Do not remain too long with the cervical spine in hyperextension - looking upwards, with arms extended above the head. This position leads to a large increase in the load exerted on the posterior neck joints, leading to the perpetuation of cervical contractures (the so-called torticollis).


Obtain a clothesline that respects a position compatible with an erect spine. If this is not possible, move up to a higher position (with due care) so that the hands are no higher than shoulder height.





Here too, one should avoid staying for a long time with the spine bent forward. The normal curvature of the lumbar spine is counteracted in this position, which will make lower back pain more frequent.


Avoid brooms or vacuum cleaners with short handles. If this is not possible, put your feet apart to reduce the height of your body and thus avoid leaning forward. The movements of the broom must be followed by the whole body so that the spine does not suffer torsional movements, which are harmful to the intervertebral discs.


Arrange low places


Lean in and stay in that position while tidying up.


Sit on a small low bench or on cushions, trying to maintain good posture. Whenever possible, contract your abs to help maintain the position.


Making the bed/sweeping under furniture


Leaning over and staying in that position for long periods.


Stand on your knees on a pillow, keeping the task to be performed between your shoulders and hips.



- Do not keep the spine bent for too long

- Do not stay in the same position for long periods of time

- Do not work with the cervical spine in hyperextension or with the arms above the shoulders

- Keep the work close to the body, on a margin between shoulders and hips

- Avoid rotational movements of the trunk

- Adjust the instruments to be handled to facilitate a more correct posture

- Use little tricks, such as contracting your abdominal muscles, sitting on small stools, using pillows to stay on your knees, and using a step to support one of your feet when you stand too long.

At Clínica Espregueira | FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence you will find a multidisciplinary unit for the treatment of spinal pathology.